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image of Dr Francisco Cidral
Upgrade U Speaker

Dr. Francisco Cidral

Naturopathic Doctor with Specialization in Chinese Medicine, Master’s and PhD in Neuroscience, and Post-Doctorate in Health Sciences. 
Co-founder and Associate Professor of the Laboratory of Experimental Neuroscience (Unisul University, Brazil).

Founder and CEO of Scientifica Consulting LLC and Co-founder and President of the Integrative Wellbeing Institute.
Chief Science Officer of Braintap.

Dr. Cidral has been working as a professor and researcher in the field of Integrative Practices for more than 15 years. Published author with more than 30 A1 scientific publications, author of books and book chapters, speaker in Scientific Conferences and Editorial Board member of various scientific Journals, Dr. Cidral is a major contributor to the field of Integrative and Complementary therapies, with emphasis on photobiomodulation. 

For the past decade Dr. Cidral has been working on scientific research and development of health and wellness devices, such as brainwave entrainment (, and low level light therapy (