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Leo Tonkin

While Dave Asprey may be considered the “Father of Biohacking”, Leo Tonkin is clearly the “Trailblazer of Salt Therapy” (halotherapy) having revolutionized the industry with his innovative approach and tireless dedication to transforming the way people think about respiratory health and wellness.

With a deep understanding of the science behind salt therapy and its many benefits, Leo started SALT Chamber, the world’s leading salt therapy product, equipment, and decor company, over a decade ago and has created an entire industry for providing a safe, drug-free, evidence-based modality that is ‘hacking’ into our respiratory system to enhance performance and recovery while extending longevity and quality of life.

Leo is the Founding Chairman of the Salt Therapy Association and is the Chair of the Respiratory Wellness Initiative from the Global Wellness Institute. Through his leadership, Leo has helped to popularize salt therapy and make it more accessible to people around the world.

Leo Tonkin
Author: Leo Tonkin