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Upgrade U Speaker

Dr. Maria Leinado

Dr. Florencia Leinado, was born on January 16, 1976 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received her medical degree from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and did a residency in Family Medicine at the Center for Medical Studies and Research Scientists (CEMIC) becoming chief resident. He continued his training with a specialization in Sports Medicine studying at the Association of Municipal Physicians (AMM) and completed the postgraduate course in Nutrition and Obesity at the Argentine Society for Obesity and Eating Disorders (SAOTA) and the Aesthetic Clinic at the Argentine Medical Association (AMA).

She was also trained in the field of Orthomolecular Medicine, study of Mitochondria and Microbiota, Epigenetics, Bioidentical Hormones, Functional Medicine, Low Carb High Fat and Ketogenic diets and training in Biohacking with Melina Vicario. He is a Speaker at various national and international congresses such as BEAUTY ANTI-AGING; AESTHETICS SESSIONS (BAAS) of Buenos Aires and the SEMAL of Madrid (International Congress of Anti-aging Medicine and Medical Aesthetics). She carries out an extensive teaching activity focused on ancestral nutrition, exercise and quality of life, currently giving: Course on Functional Medicine, Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics (Farmacia VIP virtual Academy), International Ibero-American University Diploma “Laser, Hormones and Wellness” from the AIU (Atlantic International University), Continuous training course on ketogenic diet (Ysonut Academy), Course on Testosterone Pellets and Bioidentical Hormones (VIP Pharmacy), HONAF Course on “Hormones, Nutrition and Physical Activity” and HONAFS on “Phytotherapy, Sexuality, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Hormone Replacement”, International Course on Metabolic, Translational and Anti-inflammatory Nutrition (Maimónides University).

She is the director of the Department of Sports Medicine at CEMLA (Centro de Evaluaciones Psicofísica in charge of the evaluation of AFA (Argentine Football Association) players and has its own medical center where it specializes in Primary Care, Sports Medicine and Aesthetics with a functional, integrative and holistic and incorporating Biohacking into their daily practice.

Maria Leinado
Author: Maria Leinado