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image of Harry Massey
Keynote Speaker

Harry Massey

Meet Harry Massey, a visionary entrepreneur and inventor in the field of bioenergetics, the study of energy in living systems. In 2002, Harry founded Exponential Health Innovations, a research and design company aiming to decode and recode health. Harry is the chairman of NES Health, where he has created clinical technologies that help practitioners detect and correct energy imbalances in their patients. As the CEO of Energy 4 Life, Harry has designed wearable technology that can restore your energy for life.

Harry’s passion for bioenergetics was sparked by his own experience of overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome in his youth. To educate and inspire the public about the transformative power of bioenergetic approaches to health, Harry has written and directed several acclaimed documentaries, including The Living Matrix: The New Science of Healing, Choice Point: Align Your Purpose, and Supercharged. With Harry’s vision and innovative spirit, the future of bioenergetics is brighter than ever before.

Harry Massey
Author: Harry Massey