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image of Chris Aimone
Upgrade U Speaker

Chris Aimone

Chris Aimone is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Muse. With a Masters in Engineering Science and Computer Science at the University of Toronto, Chris Aimone co-founded MuseĀ®(InteraXon) with an ethos to create technology that expands our perspective of ourselves and the world around us. An artist, inventor, and biohacker at heart, Chrisā€™ creative and design practice has spanned many fields, including architecture, augmented reality, computer vision, music and robotics.Before MuseĀ®, Chris spent a decade working with Dr. Steve Mann exploring human-centric and transformative technology. Together they pushed the limits of cybernetic wearables, brain computer interfaces and augmented reality by developing early prototypes of technologies that now support several successful start-ups.

ellen muncy
Author: ellen muncy